CCPC Award Highlights
A big CONGRATULATIONS to ALL of the 100+ fantastic students who elected to submit their work to the 2nd Annual Codecraft Computer Programming Competition (CCPC), as well as their dedicated school club teachers and Codecraft instructors! Well done! Many fantastic projects developed though learning, practice, time and dedication over months were submitted and judged. The competition was hosted by Codecraft Foundation in concert with amazing event sponsors including ALTR, Certified General Contractor, Indian River Networking, Black Hole Makers, enki Creations, and Accent Technology. Judging was done by folks without any contact, or information other than age ranges, with the students and Codecraft Instructors were not judges.
Best in Show in Scratch
This year’s submissions showcased great technical skills, but also demonstrated how passionate these students are about their work. This is easy to see in the Best in Show winners, displayed below. Scratch projects were evaluated by judges comprised of software engineers and computer scientists from local companies who donated their time and expertise including our sustaining sponsors Rockwell Collins, IBM, and ALTR. Additionally, generous judging time and talent was shared by Skymantics, Satcom Direct! Projects were evaluated on engagement, artwork, digital media usage, coding/CS development, originality, and completeness.
Best in Show in Python
In the Python category, judges evaluated projects on engagement; project originality and presentation style; code organization; use of a variety of external libraries to enhance the project; use of scripting, computer science concepts, or object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming; and completeness. Two projects tied with a high score of 50 points in the Python category. One of those, a game for the visually impaired, is highlighted to the left by it’s creator. Watch for more on Cube Quest next week. :)
“Thank you very very much for helping plant the signs along the way so she can find her path. There is a big brain under that ballerina bun! With mentors like you there is no telling what she can do.” - Donna & Mike Key
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