Codecraft Lab Expands Time & Space for Learning
- Codecraft Lab Expands Time & Space for Learning: A Short Video Documentary.
Why should kids learn to be digital creators, and computer programmers? Check out this video about Codecraft Lab ⎋ for answers and a peek into some of the amazing things our students can do. Thank you to 142 Productions ⎋ for helping us tell our story with the National Writing Project.
- Pitch Event.
Congratulations to Codecraft students Graeme Mojica and Chris Ibach for winning first place in the Junior PitchSeries on May 8 ⎋. Grame and Chris won with a pitch about their online adventure game in which users must learn computer coding to solve challenges. Four Codecraft students vied for first place in the contest. The other two contestants, Kyle Landin, 11, presented an app of math games aimed at helping 5th graders enjoy learning, and Megan Landin, 14, pitched her computer app that guides mentally disadvantaged adults in completing everyday tasks (the same app earned her first place in the state science and engineering fair this year). We are so proud of all of them!
- School clubs wrapping up.
Codecraft Lab helped start after-school coding clubs at three local schools this year—Gemini, Indialantic and Sabal elementary school. More than 120 students in grades 3 to 6 learned the basics of coding in these clubs. Those clubs are wrapping up now as the school year comes to an end. But they will start up again next year, along with a brand new club at Florida Preparatory (formerly Florida Air Academy). Are you interested in starting a club at your school? Contact Shannon at 321-209-4674 or to find out more details.
- HQ Lab’s in EGAD
Things are heating up at the HQ as members review SMART goals and present final projects made with code before a short break in advance of summer camp. The community Labs hours will start again in the week of August 17th, and registration will be open in late July. Watch for new “boot camp” style workshops in addition to community Lab hours next fall. If you just can’t wait until schools starts up again, bring a friend and join us at Codecraft Lab on EGAD 1st Friday ⎋ from 4 - 7pm for Minecraft builds or start a new coding project. Help us share our events via social media channels, please. Speaking of social media, are you talking to us on Facebook ⎋, Twitter ⎋, Google+ ⎋, or Instagram ⎋? We would love to engage with YOU in promotion of the Labs and learning to code as it is helpful and meaningful to you and your family. Give us a shout out!
- Summer Camp is too cool for school.
You scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream! And, there will be plenty of that at summer camp this year. Every camp we have on the books is filled with a wait list, so we want to offer more sessions in July. If you are interested but missed out of the camps before they filled, add your name to the wait list at the bottom of this page ⎋ now and be notified as soon as new camp sessions open.
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Melbourne, FL 32901
Phone: 321-209-4674, 850-290-4714
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