Game Makers Arcade

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Alec, age 13 Tell me something unique about you, like a nickname, superpower, unusual talent or extreme interest? “I play soccer and I like to play chess. I just like to do sports basically” Why did you come to Codecraft Lab? “I wasn’t planning on going to camp this year, but my mom started talking to me about this camp and coding and I thought it sounded cool, so I decided to come. My favorite part is creating a fun game.” Before coming to Codecraft Lab, had you ever do any coding? “I used TextWrangler and created my own website about soccer and playing it because I love Messi. That was in the 6th grade. I messed around with HTML a little as well.” What do you hope to learn or make with your new STE(A)M power? “I like making games like the one I’m working on here - with spawning, a score, life, ammo, nukes that destroy everything. I’m working on a flamethrower and everything I like in a game” Do you think computer science & engineering skills will help you in the future? Why? “I like code because it’s cool to make stuff and tell the computer what to do. I like to fix things, my mom says I’ll probably be an engineer because I fix a lot of things at home. I’d like to be a computer engineer because it’s a lot of fun and it’s exciting to make things.”

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Kyle, age 12 Tell me something unique about you, like a nickname, superpower, unusual talent or extreme interest? “My nic is Fireblaze, and I really like coding. I’m getting pretty good at it.” Why did you come to Codecraft Lab? “My mother made me come to Codecraft the first time, but I keep coming back because it’s fun and I have learned a lot!” Before coming to Codecraft Lab, had you ever do any coding? “Yes, I did Scratch a few times.” What do you hope to learn or make with your new STE(A)M power? “Right now, games. Games, games!” Do you think computer science & engineering skills will help you in the future? Why? “I’m learning to code because I want to work at Google. Computer programming helps the world by making everyday things easier to do.”

Matthew, age 10

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Why did you come to Codecraft Lab? “My GSP teacher told me about this camp called Codecraft, and Ms.n came and taught us a little workshop. It was really fun and when she gave us a sheet to sign up I signed up.” Before coming to Codecraft Lab, had you ever do any coding? “I went to a Scratch and game designer camp.” Do you think computer science & engineering skills will help you in the future? Why? “I think this will definitely be helpful to my future and I want to design games when I grow up.”

Dylan, age 13

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Tell me something unique about you, like a nickname, superpower, unusual talent or extreme interest? “My nickname is Batman, and I’m secretly a time wizard.” Why did you come to Codecraft Lab? “I’ve been interested in coding for a while now, so I thought it would be fun.” Before coming to Codecraft Lab, had you ever do any coding? “This is my first time, except I have done some, but other than that, this is my first experience.” What do you hope to learn or make with your new STE(A)M power? “I’m hoping to eventually make video games for all sorts of platforms, phone, computer, various consoles, whatever’s out in the future!” Do you think computer science & engineering skills will help you in the future? Why? “As we get more and more into computers, coding gets more and more important for society. The more people know how to code, the more we can improve society for the better.”

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Mason, age 9 Tell me something unique about you, like a nickname, superpower, unusual talent or extreme interest? “I do ice skating.” Before coming to Codecraft Lab, had you ever do any coding? “I’ve worked in Scratch, but I didn’t type any code before this Codecraft Camp.” What do you hope to learn or make with your new STE(A)M power? “I like to code, just for fun.” Do you think computer science & engineering skills will help you in the future? Why? “Yes! And, I’ll keep coming to Codecraft because I think people should know how to code.”

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Aidan, age 12 Tell me something unique about you, like a nickname, superpower, unusual talent or extreme interest? “I just play on my ps4” Why did you come to Codecraft Lab? “My mom googled something to do with gaming” Before coming to Codecraft Lab, had you ever do any coding? “I had never done any programing before coming here.” What do you hope to learn or make with your new STE(A)M power? “I want to make more games now - I love this.” Do you think computer science & engineering skills will help you in the future? Why? “Coding and game making can make the world a more happy and fun place. That’s important.”

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Austin, age 11 Tell me something unique about you, like a nickname, superpower, unusual talent or extreme interest? “Soccer chess and basketball” Why did you come to Codecraft Lab? “My mom googled camps and then we found this one, it looked fun.” Before coming to Codecraft Lab, had you ever do any coding? “In the past, I had only used Scratch” What do you hope to learn or make with your new STE(A)M power? “I’ve always wanted to make an RPG, and I’m going to make one today.” Do you think computer science & engineering skills will help you in the future? Why? “Yes definitely, I think code and games can give a lot of hope to people.”

Tyler, age 11 Tell me something unique about you, like a nickname, superpower, unusual talent or extreme interest? “I have one superpower which is that I can lift up to 100 pounds with my mind.” Why did you come to Codecraft Lab? “My dad is a programmer so he told me I should try this out and make some games. I’ve had a lot of fun this week.” Before coming to Codecraft Lab, had you ever do any coding? “I haven’t actually done any coding before this week, mostly I just play video games at home.” What do you hope to learn or make with your new STE(A)M power? “I’ll probably make more games like this and then move on to learn more complex ways of making. I would want to learn more advanced languages like Python.” Do you think computer science & engineering skills will help you in the future? Why? “Yeah maybe, I think maybe my games could help someone, someway. I think coding and game design would be a fun job.”

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