LaunchIT Graduates Prepare for Successful IT Careers
LaunchIT, a partnership of BAC and Codecraft Works, recognized ten students with a virtual graduation ceremony on September 1st.
The LaunchIT program is a customized educational program geared specifically towards veterans and/or adults with disabilities interested in pursuing a career in the Information Technology (IT) field. The virtual six-month program combines Codecraft Work’s STEM-based, blended learning approach with BAC’s experience and expertise of aiding people with unique abilities. An ideal collaboration which addresses two of today’s workplace challenges: filling entry-level Information Technology (IT) positions and increasing employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
President & CEO of BAC, Amar Patel, delivered the commencement speech and addressed graduates regarding the pillars of growth, applauding each of their achievements stating, “LaunchIT, and each of you (our graduates), represent the innovative approaches and creative solutions to challenges that are needed to actively embrace, encourage, and support our own personal growth and development.”
The graduates currently reside in-state in addition to Virginia and Georgia, with each completing one of two technical certification tracks. Both tracks were designed to build the soft skills necessary for workforce readiness in careers such as web development, accessibility specialist, IT support technician or help desk specialist.
Elijah H., a Virginia-based employee of BAC for nearly 8 years, completed the “IT Support Specialist” track adding multiple certifications to his existing CompTIA A+ Certification, an industry requirement for many in the IT field. As an eligible student in the program, Elijah worked through the evening so he could attend day classes, stating “LaunchIT is an opportunity for a fresh start in a new career and a new set of skills.”
Andrew W., a candidate for the CompTIA Security+ Certification, residing in Lake Worth, expressed his gratitude for the program by saying, “This program is a gift from God, he answered my prayers of the potential of finding a job that utilizes my skills and will allow me to work from home.” Further noting, “LaunchIT has opened many doors for me and afforded me numerous opportunities. It has allowed me to form connections I would otherwise never have been able to make. Words fail to express the fullness of my utmost gratitude for helping me reach this point.”
Sentiments echoed by many of the day’s graduates, including local resident Taylor B. He completed the “Web Development & Accessibility Specialist” training track and will conclude his training with multiple certifications, including being a candidate for the UX Design Certification. When recounting his journey with LaunchIT, he said, “The LaunchIT Program has been one of the best learning moments in life…it has helped me take a huge step in the climb that is finding work as a neurodivergent individual, and I now feel like I’m capable of taking my own steps forward.”
At the conclusion of the ceremony, Shannon Landin, Founder & CEO of Codecraft Works, recognized each of the graduates’ success, citing their growth and accomplishments as “nothing short of outstanding and inspiring.”
Potential candidates interested in a career in the IT industry, anywhere in the United States, and looking to take their step forward are encouraged to visit www.bacemploy.com/launchit/ ⎋ to learn more.
Florida Vocational Rehabilitation and Connecticut Bureau of Rehabilitation Services participants are welcome to apply and should reach out to their counselors. Program training fee assistance is available for individuals with disabilities who have financial need and are ineligible for other Employment Support Services. Contact Sue Bassett at 321.632.8610 ext.265 or sbassett@bacemploy.com for further info.
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