School Codecraft Clubs & STEM Field Trips

School Code Clubs & STEM Field Trips

1423 Highland Ave, Melbourne, Florida 32905 | [(321) 209 - 4674](tel:321-209 - 4674) |

Codecraft Lab is a Brevard Public Schools Business Partner and a leader in the national movement to incorporate computer sciences into the education of all students, which was just recently mandated by the Florida Legislature. Codecraft Lab’s non-profit, educational, after-school club and field trip options provide a critical opportunity for K-12 students to learn about STEM disciplines, and specifically computer science. Our goal is to promote, support and incorporate learning to code into the education of all students through early and equal access to STEM programs, specifically computer science.

Field trips

Just $10 per student, our ½ day field trips are fun, informative,  and impact-full. If you are looking to connect academic STEM concepts from the classroom to real work high tech workforce projects, Codecraft Lab can help. We have a variety hands-on workshops both students and teachers love.School Code Clubs & STEM Field Trips

After School Codecraft Club Curriculum

In 2013 Codecraft Lab began working with local public schools to create after-school clubs called Codecraft Clubs for students in grades three through six. Using our club curriculum, teachers and volunteers support students who create and program their own interactive stories, games, and animations and also work collaboratively on team projects.  Club curriculum is currently available for license to schools or PTOs. Codecraft Lab has an excellent network of technical professionals willing to volunteer. Please contact us to learn more, or fill out an interest form and we will gladly contact you.

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2412 Irwin Street
Melbourne, FL 32901


Phone: 321-209-4674, 850-290-4714

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