Two boys in matching blue shirts and blue pants holding medals around their necks walking towards the camera

2017 - 2018 SECME

Why participate in this competition? ​ 

To prepare for the future that is already here, we’re going to need more programmers! Robot ice cream makers? Burger chefs? Video game developers? Business owners? We all know that cars are becoming automated and if you can name a job with a repetitive task, it’s likely there’s an algorithm doing that job today too. A 2015 Gallup poll sponsored by Google found that 9 out of 10 parents want schools to teach computer science - so our children grow up not just using technology but learning how to create it. In fact the majority of parents and teachers believe that computer science should be required for students to learn! A subsequent poll shows that 50% of parents consider computer programming the most important subject for students to learn after reading, writing, and math. Codecraft partners with schools, universities and nonprofits to empowers fun Computer Science education programs to improve the technical skills landscape and successfully narrow the STEM talent gap. Together we will improve student’s confidence on the computer and their feeling of belonging in computing, therefore increasing the likelihood that they will further pursue computer science or engineering classes and careers with success in the future.

Competition Overview

There are two competition categories within each 3 divisions by grade level; elementary, middle, and high school.  In each category and division, awards for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place (runner up) will be awarded. Each student competitor may choose, with guidance from their teacher, coach, or mentor, in which competition category they wish to compete.  

DivisionCategory 1Category 2
ElementaryScratch Programming “Game”Scratch Programming “Storytelling”
Middle SchoolScratch Programming “Game” or “Storytelling”Python Programming “Choose Your Own Adventure” or “Text Adventure”
High SchoolScratch Programming “Game” or “Storytelling”Python Programming “Choose Your Own Adventure” or “Text Adventure”

Elementary division projects in either category will be made using the Scratch computer programming platform, and judged on its engagement, artwork, use of digital media, use of computer science concepts, originality, and completeness ​(see Scratch rubric below). Middle and High School division competitors may choose to participate in either Category 1 or 2. Category 1 projects will be made using the Scratch computer programming platform, and judged on its engagement, artwork, use of digital media, use of computer science concepts, originality, and completeness ​(see Scratch rubric below).  Category 2 projects will be written using the Python programming language, and judged on engagement, design, use of computer science concepts, originality, and completeness ​(see Python rubric below).  

2017 - 2018 SECME CCPC General Competition Rules


  1. The competition is open to elementary, middle, and high school students.
  2. Elementary division competition project must be created using the Scratch programming platform ( Middle and High school division can choose to enter Scratch projects or Python (
  3. Judges will review entries online to evaluate, comment on projects, and ultimately select the winners in each category.
  4. Each competitor MUST register their intent to compete and provide their teacher, coach or mentors contact information no later than January 12, 2018:
  5. To be considered, project submission MUST be submitted NO LATER​ than midnight on January 29, 2018 here:
  6. The competition organizers reserve the right to disqualify any entry based on inappropriate or copyrighted content and any entries which do not adhere to the competition rules and guidelines.
  7. When an entry is submitted, permission is granted to the organizers of the competition to make unrestricted use of the entry in the future for publicity or educational purposes. In such use, the organizers will make sure that the author/school is clearly acknowledged, with consent documented and privacy in mind.

Competition Project Requirements

  1. Projects must be original ​works by student creator or team (up to 2 students).
  2. Entries must be original works​ created by the team or individual submitting the entry.
  3. If an entry incorporates music, sound, text or images, you must own the rights to use that material, or provide creative commons attribution in the project “Notes & Credits” Section.
  4. Project content is limited only by your imagination, ability to plan and demonstration of your programming ability.
  5. All Projects must have clear, precise and appropriate Title, Instructions, and Notes or Credits. Python projects should include a README.txt (just an example) with the same information.
  6. Projects should not share any personally identifiable information about the creator or programming team.

Prizes and Awards There will be separate awards for each division:


  1. Each entry will be reviewed by a panel of at least 2 judges. The judges will award

points according to the judges score card, which provides detailed information in relation to what the Judges will be looking for. The score sheets below will be used by the Judges during the competition.

  1. The decisions of the judging panel are final and no correspondence will be entered into.

​ (see score card below). The scorecard samples below will be online as a digital form and made available to each judge for use as they review the projects.

Python Examples: Text Adventure Plaisir ZorkPython Examples: Choose Your Own Adventure Prison


Scratch Rubric

1      2      34      5      67   8   9   10
1      2      34      5      67   8   9   10
Digital Media
1      2      34      5      67   8   9   10
Coding / CS Development
1      2      34      5      67   8   9   10
1      2      34      5      67   8   9   10
Completeness (Testing / QA)
1      2      34      5      67   8   9   10

Python Rubric

1      2      34      5      67   8   9   10
1      2      34      5      67   8   9   10
Coding / CS Development
1      2      34      5      67   8   9   10
1      2      34      5      67   8   9   10
Completeness (Testing / QA)
1      2      34      5      67   8   9   10

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